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Mill House Engineering and Management Consultancy was established in 1995 to support state-of-the art technology projects in Space Science, Ground Based Astronomy and Motor Racing. Activities include Assembly, Integration & Verification (AIV), Product Development, Quality Assurance and Marketing & Sales support.


 P U B L I C A T I O N S : 
  • Development of a laser projection system for the ELT, Jan Nijenhuis et al, Advances in Optical and Mechanical Technologies for Telescopes and Instrumentation V, 29 August - 6 September 2022, Montréal, QC, Canada, 1218837 (1218837)

  • Manufacturing and integration status of the UH2.2 adaptive secondary mirror, Wouter Jonker et al, Proceedings Volume 12188, Advances in Optical and Mechanical Technologies for Telescopes and Instrumentation V; 1218816 (2022), SPIE Astronomical Telescopes + Instrumentation, 2022, Montréal, Québec, Canada

  • Hot forming of a large deformable mirror facesheet, Wouter Jonker et al, Proceedings Volume 12188, Advances in Optical and Mechanical Technologies for Telescopes and Instrumentation V; 121880S (2022), SPIE Astronomical Telescopes + Instrumentation, 2022, Montréal, Québec, Canada

  • Preliminary design of the Adaptive Secondary Mirror for the European Solar Telescope, Stefan Kuiper et al, Proceedings Volume 12185, Adaptive Optics Systems VIII; 1218528 (2022),SPIE Astronomical Telescopes + Instrumentation, 2022, Montréal, Québec, Canada

  • Warping Harness actuator for the Thirty Meter Telescope Primary Mirror segments, F. Kamphues et al, SPIE Proceedings Volume 11451, Advances in Optical and Mechanical Technologies for Telescopes and Instrumentation IV; 1145150 (2020)

  • Harnessing The Next Generation Of Extremely Large Telescopes, L. Visser et al, Mikroniek Nr. 4 2017

  • 30 M Diameter for 7 milli-arcsec resolution, F. Kamphues, Mikroniek Nr. 6 2016

  • Damping in space constructions, Jan de Vreugd et al, European Conference on Spacecraft Structures, Materials & Environmental Testing, Braunschweig, April 2014

  • Star Separators for the Very Large Telescope Interferometer - Increasing sensitivity for distant planets and supermassive black holes, J. N. Nijenhuis et al, Mikroniek, Vol. 53, issue 3, June 2013

  • Design, analysis, and testing of the optical tube assemblies for the ESO VLT four laser guide star facility, SPIE Volume 8447-172, July 2012

  • Gaia basic angle monitoring system, SPIE Volume 8442-61, July 2012

  • Optical Tube Assemblies for the ESO VLT Four Laser Guide Star Facility, Second international conference on Adaptive Optics for Extremely Large Telescopes, Victoria, BC, Canada, September 2012.

  • Athermal design of the Optical Tube Assemblies for the ESO VLT Four Laser Guidestar Facility (Conference Proceedings Paper), Optical Engineering + Applications, SPIE Volume 8149-04, August 2011.

  • Picometer metrology for the GAIA mission (Conference Proceedings Paper), Astronomical and Space Optical Systems, SPIE Volume 7439, August 2009

  • Corrective polishing of strongly curved aspheric silicon carbide mirrors (Conference Proceedings Paper), SPIE Optifab, May 2009

  • Picometer metrologie voor de Gaia missie, NVR Ruimtevaart 2009-2

  • Astronomische Telescopen, article in NVPT Yearbook 2009, November 2008, NVPT 

  • Pico Meter Metrology for Gaia mission, International Conference on Space Optics (ICSO) 2008, October 2008 

  • Picometre metrology in space, article in Mikroniek, periodical for precision technology, June 2008

  • Picometer metrology for the Gaia mission (Conference Proceedings Paper), Space Telescopes and Instrumentation 2008: Optical, Infrared, and Millimeter, 12 July 2008, SPIE Volume 7010

  • Simultaneous observation of two stars using the Prima Star Separator (Conference Proceedings Paper), Space Telescopes and Instrumentation 2008: Instruments, July 2008, SPIE Volume 7013

  • PACT: the actuator to support the primary mirror of the E-ELT (Conference Proceedings Paper), Space Telescopes and Instrumentation 2008: Segment mirror technologies, July 2008, SPIE Volume 7018

  • The development of a breadboard cryogenic optical delay line for Darwin (Conference Proceedings Paper), Cryogenic Optical Systems and Instruments XII, 66920A, 17 September 2007, SPIE Volume 6692

  • The development of a breadboard cryogenic optical delay line for Darwin, 12th European Space Mechanisms and Tribology Symposium (ESMATS) 2007

  • Darwin - Een optische vertragingslijn voor een ruimtetelescoop, NVPT Yearbook 2007, text: Ben Braam, Teun van den Dool, Fred Kamphues

  • The DARWIN breadboard optical delay line verification programme (Conference Proceedings Paper), Advances in Stellar Interferometry, 62682O, 28 June 2006, SPIE Volume 6268

  • The Darwin Breadboard Cryogenic Optical Delay Line, Sixth International Conference on Space Optics, Proceedings of ESA/CNES ICSO 2006, held 27-30 June 2006 at ESTEC, Noordwijk, The Netherlands. Edited by A. Wilson. ESA SP-621. European Space Agency, 2006.

  • The manufacturing, assembly and acceptance testing of the breadboard cryogenic optical delay line for DARWIN, SPIE  Conference Optics and Photonics [5904- p. 367-377], August 2005, San Diego, USA

  • The development of a cryogenic delay line for DARWIN, ICMENS  Conference, July 2005, Banff, Canada

  • Magnetic Bearing optical delay line,  SPIE Conference Optical Science and Technology [5528A-37], August 2004, Denver, USA

  • Metrology concept design of the GAIA basic angle monitoring system,  SPIE Conference Astronomical Telescopes and Instrumentation SPIE [5495-02], june 2004, Glasgow, UK

  • DARWIN cryogenic optical delay line, SPIE Conference Astronomical Telescopes and Instrumentation [5495-40], June 2004, Glasgow, UK

  • Advanced optical delay line demonstrator, SPIE Conference Astronomical Telescopes and Instrumentation [5495-41], June 2004, Glasgow, UK

  • Test results of the VLTI delay line system verification program, H. Hogenhuis, Fokker Space B.V. (Netherlands), SPIE Conference Astronomical Telescope and Instrumentation [4006-22], March 2000, Munich, Germany